Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Menu Plan Monday 4/6/2009... a little late.

Last week we got a little off of our menu plan. On Friday, Hubby treated me to sushi takeout. On Saturday, we went out to El Torito (without the kids!) I think there may have been a couple of other changes to our plan as well. Sunday, my Dad and I didn't do our grocery shopping because we were at the park all day. Monday, my Dad was in too much pain (he has a lot of spine issues) and I was sick and in bed with food poisoning so we still didn't do any grocery shopping. I made some chicken soup with what we had on hand. Tuesday, even though we went to Walmart, I didn't buy any groceries other than milk, cereal, and bread. I made do again, and made some beef stew (with elbow macaroni instead of potatoes) and some corn bread muffins. I have our cornish game hens defrosting and will hopefully be cooking those tonight (with dino chicken nuggets for the kids). I am planning on going to the store tonight and getting the groceries we need for the rest of the week. I'll update later when I have my plans figured out!


Sarah-Michelle said...

I'm sorry you had food poisoning! I hope you're feeling better.

April Dawn said...

I so desperately need to do a menu plan. I tried w/ my google calendar but I slack too much. I have a really hard time deciding what to make and usually wait til the last minute. I'm very picky and don't like ALOT of foods so that makes it even harder!