That is $1.75 worth of fabric, a bit of thread, and about 50c worth of no-fold elastic!
Oh, and here's one of the sandwiches that I made for the girls this morning. I "painted" one slice of bread with food coloring and milk, and toasted it. Then I used a small heart-shaped canape plunger to press out hearts, flipped the sandwich over, and inserted the heart into the plain toasted side. I also included a sweet little printed vintage valentine in each of their lunches (and one in hubby's lunch too!).
Sorry about the dark inside pictures... it's raining like crazy!!
Man, you got way more creative than I did...I bought pre-cut sugar cookie dough. But, I did use a coupon...haha
The skirt is adorable!
I am such a bad mom - nothing creative here for lunch today. Maybe I can make up for it tomorrow?
I'm making homemade soft pretzels tomorrow, in heart shapes! :)
Too cute and orginal too!
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