Darcy Lee over at the In This Season has passed an award on to me, the Sisterhood Award, which is very sweet of her. This award represents blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude. So, I will be passing this award on to 10 other bloggers.
1) Dani at Never A Dull Moment. Dani is such a great mom and friend, she is always looking for ways to have fun with her kids, and is my partner-in-crime when it comes to crocheting.
2) The Baroness of Blah at Ain't Life Bland. The "Baroness" alwyas has some great links for fun sewing projects, and is the Yoda of all those Walgreens and CVS deals that I still haven't quite figured out.
3) Gloria has multiple blogs, including Pranzo di Domenica where she posts some delicious Italian recipes. Manga!
4) Kelly from The Barefoot Mama is a gorgeous person, inside and out. Her posts are inspiring to read, her faith is amazing, and she makes some adorable projects too!
5) Jennifer from The Black Pearl Academy has been my friend for over 7 years now. On her blog she shares about the highs and lows of homeschooling and the special needs challenges of raising 2 out of 3 children that are on the Autism spectrum. She has an unnatural obsession with Captain Jack, but I still love her! (Kidding Jennifer, kidding!)
6) Angel from Give Me Something To Sing About posts about the challenges of raising children while dealing with a long list of chronic illnesses... she's a very talented singer, pianist, and quilter as well!
7) Beckie at Infarrantly Creative features some awesome projects made on the cheap. She's wickedly creative.
8) Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick... I want her to move in and make my house all puuuuuurty. Her love of molding doesn't scare me, not one bit.
9) Sarah-Michelle at Finding My Dream. She just started a new attempt at blogging, and I want her to keep at it... even if it's just to see if she ever figures out the secret to homemade yogurt. (Don't hurt me!)
10) Darlene at Our Creative Life. I came across her blog through a giveaway post, and quickly added it to my favorites. She shares some neat ideas and inspirations for decorating and projects, but also shares herself. I wouldn't mind her coming over to decorate my house either!
Thanks, Darcy Lee! Now here's what you do when you receive this.
1. Display this award on your blog.
2. Leave a comment to those you gave it to, letting them know they have it.
3. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
4. Pass it on to 10 or fewer bloggers who you think demonstrate great attitude and/or gratitude.
This was pretty hard actually, trying to narrow down the 90+ blogs I read to 10 that I wanted to give this award too. Thanks ladies, for letting me have a glimpse into your minds, your souls, and your lives. You inspire me, and help me grow on my journey through this life.
Sadie! I am so honored, thank you! :o) It's so special to come from you and to be grouped in with these great ladies that you also awarded. You're a sweetie, Sister! P.S. Have I told you that I *love* the name Sadie? If we ever have another daughter... ;o)
:blush: Awww, shucks! I wish I read 10 blogs with any kind of regularity. I'm honored, though.
I could probably list 10 blogs you've turned me onto. Does that count? :P
Hi Sadie,
Thank you so much for the award and kind words! I appreciate it very much! I will be sure to add the award to my sidebar. Thanks again!
God Bless!
Thank you so much for the award :) You totally made my day that is for sure! Now to find 10 blogs that you didn't give the award to...that is the challenge :)
Thank you so much ((((Sadie)))) That really brightened my day :)
You are an inspiration to me, as an awesome mom and crafter (not to mention your deals!!)
XO Love you!
thanks for passing along the award to me. Blushhh ;-)
Unnatural obsession with Captain Jack? I think you'd be happy to know that I did NOT stalk Captain Jack at ALL while at Disney World, last week. And I only rode the POTC ride 4 times (or maybe it was 5)! LOL
Thanks for the award! I cherish our friendship, and I'm lucky to have you in my life! :)
THANK YOU so much Sadie!! I love awards! I'm SOOOO so sorry about your kitty.
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